Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 6, 2014

Develop an web app

Các bước tạo một web app:

  • Bước 1: Create new project: - java web - web application
  • Bước 2: Choose name and location
  • Bước 3: Test thử, Edit file index.html
  • Bước 4: Create new một servlet

Ass Practice

 Module 1: Create a servlet using NetBeans to greet the user "Hi, welcome to the world of Servlets".

  Module 2.1: Create an html program to accept a name form user and display the first name and last name on the screen using a servlet program. Use get parameter() metho to access the variable.

  module 2.2 :Create a servlet, which displays the remote host , remost post,requested Url, Servlet name and server post on the screen


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