Module5: Happy Consumer International Bank (HCIB), a leading multinational
organization having established branches all over the world is now
starting its banking services in India. The Bank has employed you as a
full time System Consultant with them. It wants to deploy a Web Service
that will offer credit card validation and online banking facilities
that are typically offered by all the multinational banks. The main
priorities for the online banking system are reliability, availability
and serviceability of the application. Additionally, the system should
be highly scalable and secure as the bank expects substantial growth in
the future. Consider yourself to be a part of the team that implements
the credit card validation module. Develop a JAX_WS based Web Service
that exposes the boolean validateCreditCard(cardNumber) method. This
method implements the logic for credit card number validation, and
returns a boolean value indicating whether the card number is valid or
Create a web server to provide validation service.
web service class
Logic for create card number validation.
+Multiply the alternate digits of the creadit card number by 2 starting with the second digits from the right (The first right-hand is the check digit). Add the individual digits comprising the products obtained in first step to each of the digits in the original number.
+The sum of all digits obtained after step 2 as well as unaffected digits must be a number which is multiple of 10 (10,40,50,etc) for the credit card number to be valid.
Test service
Create an application to use the service
Create a web service client that use WSDL of the service made above.
Drag the validate service found after imported on to main class , and then use it in main method.
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